Sunday 13 August 2017

Robotic God....

Just as I was thinking about the change our civilization is going on this thought came to my mind. To preserve this thought I am adding this blog.

Everyone is enjoying the benefit of technology. The convinience, comfort, speed,dependability. Consistant same service assurance and relief of thought that it will not have corruption in deed or thought,  asks us to adopt this and strive and search for more better technolgy.

But More better means what..that helps more, that gives more comfort, and ulitimately gives us joy..
The more the things are in tune with our ideology, thoughts, the more we feel happy

I consider every thought as a cause of combination of our knowledge, experience, exposure to situation.  If thought in correllation with logical science ..output is what logics on raw input has caused... Our thought or say action is what our imagination on knowledge and experience has caused.. (on which the scale of openness is dependent)

We are striving hard to accumalate all possible raw input (knowledge and experience) and apply logics (thought) to get the desired output (action)----called Artficial Intelligence
But, in present world we cant achive final saturated output,. Nor the mankind has. Since the human civilization existed.. on same raw material ( Human body n Mind) thought (combination of logics) has caused unique different output (action)..We to some extent learn to apply same logic  on similar raw get desired output ..i.e. every child (biological raw material) is fed with same logic ( education,trainings,others experiance) to behave in social same manner ( sucessful profession, social ettiqqute etc).

We all are different and unique because the power of what combination, and quantity of raw material will be utilized with what combination of logics it will utilized is in knowledge of supreme ultimate database and processor...not known or seen but logically thought of existing

i.e. The power of learning  ( percive and retainment from all available source, even the availiablity of all souce in similar form to all) and the availbility of tought and its mix ( called thought and experience) .the power to create and appky new logic on basis old  logic combination lies with logically beilived enity, GOD ,  not known or seen but logically thought of existing.

 These logic and combinations are in such a big quantity that they seem to never ending., Because ever since the human ( biological raw material) existed these endless logics ( experience and behaviour) had caused endless action ( output).......remember the power to assign, posses or distribute, the quantity to utilize lies with  GOD

Now, we all try to be perfectionist.. i.e we try to learn skill, practice,train to get best possible action, we get sucess to some exent we try to achive it to perform persistantly . We learn best habits to get best behaviour but the power to get logics ( behaviour n situation creation) lies in hand of third party .. God..
But wait. .. our demnd for perfection is ultimate.. we stored and apply , all n best in form of robots and its artificial Intelligence

We had become God for them.. are we good or bad God to them.. but our God has its own conditons to provide acess to us... If do something wrong we blame to God..when we need good we pray to God.. we are  unaware of if our thought are cause of dedicated wish of God or due to some malfunction in logic applied..

So, to cater and fullfill all demands of new generarion of robots say "Robonon" and   cater their blames even caused due
 to  some logics malfunction or technical glitch we should also create artficial God for this Robonon. This will not only control them but may further create them..

Ha ha ha .. but then where will human stand??
Now starting to think to share in next

Sunday 16 March 2014